Call the Midwife
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Season 1
Ep 1 - Episode 1 Toggle seen
Jenny Lee starts her career as a midwife at Nonnatus House in London. She is surprised to find that it is a nursing convent and not a hospital. Her first case is a woman existing her 25th child!
Ep 2 - Episode 2 Toggle seen
A new girl arrives Nonnatus House and finds it hard to earn the respect of Sister Evangelina. Jenny sees an unfamiliar darker side of life following an encounter with a runaway.
Ep 3 - Episode 3 Toggle seen
Jenny does some district nursing to extend her community practice experience and befriends an old soldier with awful leg ulcers. Trixie and Cynthia enrol Winnie Lawson as a new patient.
Ep 4 - Episode 4 Toggle seen
A baby girl is snatched from her pram and the local community unites for the search. Cynthia sees another sort of loss as she tends to soon-to-be parents David and Margaret.
Ep 5 - Episode 5 Toggle seen
When Peggy’s brother is diagnosed with cancer, Jenny and the nuns are called upon to care for him. Jenny gets to know the siblings better. The Nonnatus House residents get involved in Fred’s latest money-making scheme which involves a pig called Evie.
Ep 6 - Episode 6 Toggle seen
When Chummy's imperious mother visits and disapproves of Peter Noakes, Chummy defies her mother and has her wedding on her own terms. Senile Sister Monica Joan is arrested for shoplifting.
Season 2
Ep 1 - Episode 1 Toggle seen
Jenny celebrates her birthday with Chummy and the girls, but soon after finds herself taking care of a patient in an abusive marriage.
Ep 2 - Episode 2 Toggle seen
Chummy makes an important decision, Jenny reconnects with Jimmy, and Cynthia's conduct is called into question after the death of a baby she delivered.
Ep 3 - Episode 3 Toggle seen
Jenny is seconded to a short-staffed hospital in London, but grows increasingly reluctant to carry out her duties when she finds out she is working under intimidating surgeon Mr Tracey. Back in Poplar, the midwives are introduced to newcomer Jane and outspoken twins Meg and Mave Carter. The sisters are identical in every way, except one of them is now pregnant - forcing them to come to terms with the impact a baby will have on them.
Ep 4 - Episode 4 Toggle seen
A friend of Chummy's, Reverend Applebee-Thornton, comes to stay at Nonnatus House and soon gets on everyone's nerves. Meanwhile, Jenny and Sister Evangelina deliver a baby with spina bifida, and Sister Bernadette plays matchmaker.
Ep 5 - Episode 5 Toggle seen
Nonnatus House prepares for the annual summer fête, but when a baby show is announced, the girls must find a host for the proceedings. Meanwhile, a patient of Jenny's puts her life at risk, and Sister Bernadette remains troubled.
Ep 6 - Episode 6 Toggle seen
Doctor Turner is concerned by the spread of tuberculosis in the community, Jenny tries to repair a father and daughter's fractured relationship, and Sister Bernadette receives devastating news.
Ep 7 - Episode 7 Toggle seen
Cynthia has to administer daily insulin injections to diabetic John Lacey, a bully who consistently belittles his wife Annie. When Annie’s beloved son Bob pays a visit, Annie gains the confidence to start to turn her life around. Jenny looks after a black mother to be, Monique, who is subjected to racial prejudice from her neighbours.
Ep 8 - Episode 8 Toggle seen
The convent comes under threat of demolition. Fred's pregnant daughter and her young son come and stay with him. Jenny is wooed by a new love interest. Chummy and PC Noakes prepare for the arrival of their baby.
Season 3
Ep 1 - Episode 1 Toggle seen
After the closure of Nonnatus House, the nuns and midwives finally move into their new premises. Sister Winifred arrives from the Mother House. Jenny is worried about new mother Merle’s mental state and the welfare of her baby who isn't feeding properly. Dr Turner is worried that it could be something more serious.
Ep 2 - Episode 2 Toggle seen
Trixie's feathers are ruffled when Jenny is promoted, but the new Acting Sister has more to worry about after a mother-to-be reveals the baby she is carrying doesn't belong to her husband - and to complicate matters, the real father is black. Cynthia is inspired by a lecture on natural childbirth, convinced it will help an overly anxious patient, while Alec and his friends try to persuade Jenny to join them on a CND march.
Ep 3 - Episode 3 Toggle seen
Sister Julienne receives an SOS from Holloway Prison, whose usual maternity workers have been struck down by illness, and when she and Trixie step in to help, the nun puts her reputation on the line to prevent a heavily pregnant convict having her unborn baby taken away by social services. Shelagh faces heartache when a routine pregnancy check reveals something far more serious, Alec has a confession for Jenny and Fred takes the gang to the theatre to celebrate Chummy's birthday - only for the trip to end in disaster.
Ep 4 - Episode 4 Toggle seen
Jenny has an eventful few days, starting with a patient who as well as having herself to worry about, is also struggling to cope with her mother, an agoraphobic who hasn't been outside for at least 12 years. On top of that, Alec asks the midwife to accompany him to Brighton for the weekend, leaving her wondering if his intentions are strictly honourable. However, things soon take a tragic turn. Meanwhile, Shelagh joins the local choir to take her mind off her problems.
Ep 5 - Episode 5 Toggle seen
The nuns and midwives are busy preparing for Sister Evangelina's surprise jubilee celebrations, marking 50 years since she took her vows, but a face from the past threatens to ruin the party for the guest of honour. It's back to business when a young woman with Down's syndrome is brought in feeling unwell. To everyone's surprise, they discover she is six months pregnant, causing some of them to think the worst, and the staff are joined by new nurse Patsy, whose sense of humour and no-nonsense attitude make her an instant hit.
Ep 6 - Episode 6 Toggle seen
Tom, the local curate, asks Trixie to join him for a day of cricket. She accepts, but the date is disastrous. Shelagh decides to talk to Dr. Turner about adopting a baby. Patsy, struggling to adapt to the unpredictable and chaotic life that midwifery brings, upsets a young mother in the clinic.
Ep 7 - Episode 7 Toggle seen
Sister Julienne calms an anxious new mother who has put her baby in danger. Jenny, seconded to The London, is impressed with the facilities, but soon begins to see cracks in the establishment. Chummy is upset to learn that her mother has walked out on her father, leaving Lady Browne penniless. As Dr. Turner and Shelagh continue the adoption process, they uncover a devastating secret.
Ep 8 - Episode 8 Toggle seen
Jenny is assigned to first-time mother Jeanette, who requires frequent visits during a protracted labour, and when she meets her patient's cousin, Philip, a new friendship begins to grow for the midwife. Meanwhile, Chummy worries about her mother's illness when she discovers Lady Browne has discharged herself from hospital.
Season 4
Ep 1 - Episode 1 Toggle seen
A chance encounter with an impoverished child forces Trixie to see an unfamiliar darker side of life. As Nonnatus House welcomes a new resident, Nurse Barbara Gilbert, Tom Hereward has a surprise romantic gesture in store for Trixie.
Ep 2 - Episode 2 Toggle seen
Barbara faces her most challenging case to date when she treats first-time mother Abigail Bissette and the birth does not go according to plan. As Sister Julienne struggles with the increasing financial pressure on Nonnatus House, a mystery benefactor comes to the rescue. Elsewhere Sister Evangelina is unimpressed by newly arrived nurse Phyllis Crane.
Ep 3 - Episode 3 Toggle seen
The Nonnatus team rallies to support first-time parents Marie and Tony Amos when Tony is arrested for gross indecency with another male. Elsewhere, as Poplar is gripped by an outbreak of dysentery, Trixie undertakes her first official church duty since her engagement to Tom.
Ep 4 - Episode 4 Toggle seen
The midwives face one of their busiest nights to date, whilst Sister Winifred concentrates her efforts on the prostitutes of Poplar. Elsewhere, cracks start to appear in Trixie and Tom Hereward's relationship.
Ep 5 - Episode 5 Toggle seen
Sister Julienne's faith is challenged when a mother refuses medicine for her newborn baby. Dr Turner's involvement in the case forces him to face his own demons. Meanwhile, Barbara must work out a way to communicate with a pregnant Sylheti woman.
Ep 6 - Episode 6 Toggle seen
Phyllis deals with a young diabetic woman who has fallen pregnant, Sister Mary Cynthia comes into contact with a group of gypsies, and Patsy organises a square dance to raise money for the Cubs' trip to Norfolk.
Ep 7 - Episode 7 Toggle seen
A pair of school friends are unexpectedly reunited in the delivery room, and a mix up results in complications for both. Meanwhile, Barbara helps an elderly couple in need of assistance, and Patsy's secret relationship with Delia pains them both.
Ep 8 - Episode 8 Toggle seen
Trixie and Sister Mary Cynthia help a deaf-and-dumb woman, and Barbara has a baffling case. Meanwhile, Fred's daughter arrives from Birmingham and interferes with his and Violet's engagement, and Delia has a proposal for Patsy.
Season 5
Ep 1 - Episode 1 Toggle seen
When a baby is born with severe deformities of the kind later identified as caused by the drug thalidomide, the midwives find it difficult to handle the situation, and the baby's father rejects her completely, to his wife's dismay. Trixie's new sideline as a keep fit instructor brings her into conflict with Sister Julienne, and she also becomes suspicious of the relationship between Barbara and Tom. Rather than return to Wales as her mother wishes, Delia moves into Nonnatus House.
Ep 2 - Episode 2 Toggle seen
Barbara treats a pregnant woman whose dockworker husband is struggling to support her as opportunities for work dry up. She is forced into a difficult decision that leaves Barbara facing the biggest test of her career. Nurse Crane meets a kindred spirit when she learns to speak Spanish, and Sister Evangelina helps a woman with breastfeeding, leading to unforeseen consequences.
Ep 3 - Episode 3 Toggle seen
A outbreak of typhoid erupts, and suspicion over who the carrier could be threatens to break apart a closely knit family. Sister Winfred faces a personal dilemma when a local teacher is revealed to be pregnant by a married man. When the woman takes matters into her own hands, Sister Winifred is forced to consider the role her own prejudices may have played. Meanwhile, Barbara inadvertently agrees to go to dinner with Tom, but is wracked with worry about how Trixie will react.
Ep 4 - Episode 4 Toggle seen
Sister Julienne is seconded to a maternity ward, and is impressed by how modern technology is being used to help the mothers - but is left with a moral dilemma after assisting on a traumatic birth. A young man from Poplar is delighted to be accepted into university, but his mother is less than happy. His dreams are jeopardised when his girlfriend gets pregnant, a development that puts pressure on the whole family.
Ep 5 - Episode 5 Toggle seen
Turner and Shelagh are at the forefront of the advances in medical technology, and begin a campaign to ensure better respiratory health for their patients. However, Timothy fears their own lifestyle is not good for them and tries to encourage his parents to give up smoking. Violet injures her back and is forced to leave the shop in Fred's hands, a decision that strengthens their relationship but which proves to have other, unforeseen consequences. A new mother's past comes to light, with devastating repercussions for her family. Nurse Crane draws on her own experiences to help her.
Ep 6 - Episode 6 Toggle seen
Poplar is rocked by a series of violent attacks on women, and a prostitute is too ashamed to report what she knows - but her actions lead to a dangerous man roaming the streets, with devastating consequences for the residents of Nonnatus House. A mother tries to keep her daughter's pregnancy a secret to avoid gossip, putting her life in danger. The Turners go on a long overdue holiday, but the weather ruins their plans.
Ep 7 - Episode 7 Toggle seen
The introduction of the contraceptive pill is welcomed by Dr Turner, but some of his colleagues are less keen on the idea. Patsy tries to help a bargee who wants to give birth among her own community rather than in a maternity ward. Nurse Crane deals with an emergency during a storm, and a familiar face returns to Nonnatus House - but has been changed by her time away.
Ep 8 - Episode 8 Toggle seen
Dr Turner is horrified to realise he may be partly to blame as the cause of the recent rise in birth deformities comes to light, and tries to prevent further cases. Sister Evangelina returns to work, but has clearly been affected badly by her stroke, and her health continues to deteriorate. A pregnant bride goes into labour during her wedding reception, while her mother is forced to come to terms with her grandchild being conceived out of wedlock.
Ep 9 - Toggle seen
Season 6
Ep 1 - Episode 1 Toggle seen
The team reunite but all is not well when a change of management shakes up Nonnatus House.
Ep 2 - Episode 2 Toggle seen
An explosion at the docks brings heartache to the people of Poplar, whilst Sister Ursula continues to ruffle feathers with her unpopular decisions.
Ep 3 - Episode 3 Toggle seen
A Chinese first-time mother faces an unexpected crisis, while new legislation and Sister Ursula cause serious problems for Shelagh and Dr. Turner.
Ep 4 - Episode 4 Toggle seen
An expectant mother buckles under the strains of pregnancy. As Tom provides pastoral care, he reveals why this case has touched him more than most.
Ep 5 - Episode 5 Toggle seen
Nonnatus House welcomes a new recruit; a vulnerable young man captures the hearts of Fred and Violet, while the whereabouts of Sister Mary Cynthia causes distress among the team.
Ep 6 - Episode 6 Toggle seen
Valerie Dyer oversees the care of an expectant Somali woman and is shocked when she uncovers a troubling aspect of this unfamiliar culture; and the Nonnatus family unites to provide the very best care for Sister Mary Cynthia.
Ep 7 - Episode 7 Toggle seen
Dr. Turner helps a family cope with the stresses of caring for a child with disabilities; and Nurse Crane faces an unexpected crisis.
Ep 8 - Episode 8 Toggle seen
An unexpected turn of events leads to a hastily arranged wedding; Shelagh finally goes into labor; and the arrival of the birth control pill leads to unforeseen consequences.
Ep 9 - Episode 9 Toggle seen
Dr Turner is reunited with a couple whose daughter was born without limbs, and takes them to a specialist unit where she can be fitted for prosthetics. However, while the experience helps the girl's mother to realise that she is not alone, it proves traumatic for the father, who blames his wife for his child's condition. Nurse Crane takes charge of Sister Winifred's driving lessons, and Trixie thinks Christopher is hiding something from her.
Ep 10 - Episode 10 Toggle seen
Sister Julienne oversees the opening of a family planning clinic at the local community centre, leading mother-of-three Wilma Goddens to start taking the contraceptive pill behind her husband's back. Barbara is distraught when she discovers that her father has accepted a missionary posting in New Guinea for the next three years so will not be able to officiate at her wedding, while Violet suffers terribly with hot flushes, Christopher asks Trixie to meet his daughter, and Delia's heartache may finally be over. Last in the series.
Season 7
Ep 1 - Episode 1 Toggle seen
A new midwife joins the team as the area is rocked by power cuts and blizzards. The new arrival is delayed by the weather and falls ill as soon as she arrives. However, she is quickly dragged from her sick bed to assist with a difficult birth. Nurse Crane and Dr Turner treat an elderly cancer patient who faces losing her house due to slum clearances, and try to convince Sergeant Woolf to allow her to die at home.
Ep 2 - Episode 2 Toggle seen
Valerie's friend Marjory goes into labour while Lucille is on duty, and the new recruit successfully delivers the baby. However, when Marjory's health takes a turn for the worst, her racist mother Mae accuses Lucille of incompetence. The nurses rally round to protect their new colleague, and convince her that she is welcome in the community. Sister Winifred comes up with a plan to get fathers more actively involved in their wives' pregnancies - but finds that very few of the local men are keen on the idea.
Ep 3 - Episode 3 Toggle seen
Nurse Crane and Trixie investigate when a mother abandons her children at the clinic, fearing they were being abused or neglected. Her husband admits that she has been behaving strangely lately, and when she is referred to a neurologist by Dr Turner, the truth proves devastating for the whole family. Christopher admits that Alexandra has been unhappy since his divorce, and Violet and Fred organise a beauty contest to raise money for charity. Valerie and Magda both sign up and quickly become close friends - leading to the sharing of a terrible secret.
Ep 4 - Episode 4 Toggle seen
Sister Julienne helps a woman from Pakistan who is unable to have children, but who has found to her shock that her husband is bringing a second wife into their home, who is already eight months pregnant. Trixie hits the bottle following her break-up with Christopher, Dr Turner tries to persuade Sister Monica Joan to admit that her eyesight is failing, and Lucille helps a woman with a compulsion to eat coal.
Ep 5 - Episode 5 Toggle seen
Rumours spread around Poplar that a sailor with smallpox is hiding somewhere in town. Nurse Crane and Dr Turner try to track him down before he causes an outbreak. Lucille treats an expectant mother on her own, but soon feels out of her depth when she displays signs of a serious medical condition. Trixie goes to stay with her godmother, Violet and Fred organise a picnic for the parish, and Tom and Barbara return home.
Ep 6 - Episode 6 Toggle seen
Barbara helps a pregnant mother-of-two whose husband has recently died, and is on hand to give her support when a further tragedy drives her and her children from their home. Lucille teaches a health and relationships class at the youth club, only to encounter a furious mother who objects to her daughter attending. Sister Monica Joan goes into hospital for cataract surgery.
Ep 7 - Episode 7 Toggle seen
Barbara's condition is not improving and she is kept in isolation at the hospital, leaving her friends able to do nothing but wait for more news. Dr Turner and Shelagh assist a man being held in a remand home whose wife is pregnant, while Lucille makes some new friends.
Ep 8 - Episode 8 Toggle seen
As the nurses and midwives of Nonnatus House prepare to celebrate Sister Monica Joan's birthday, they face an influx of new patients when a nearby maternity home suddenly closes, leaving many expectant mothers in urgent need of support. Lucille treats a woman whose father has a long-hidden secret he feels he cannot hide any longer, while Tom and Nurse Crane struggle to move forward with their lives.
Season 8
Ep 1 - Episode 1 Toggle seen
As spring arrives, Nonnatus House welcomes two new nuns, the experienced Sister Hilda and newly qualified Sister Frances, who must acclimatise to the changing East End. A complicated multiple birth tests the skills of some of the midwives to the limit, but Trixie has to face her fears and Valerie deals with a shocking case that arrives unexpectedly.
Ep 2 - Episode 2 Toggle seen
Lucille treats an elderly hoarder (Annette Crosbie) suffering from a malodorous leg ulcer, and fears that living surrounded by towering piles of rubbish, books and tins of food will have a serious effect on her recovery. Sister Hilda has a challenging case on her hands when a family newly arrived from Ghana are found to be suffering from an unidentified illness, and Violet runs for a place on the local council, but Fred is not convinced she can make a difference to the community, placing more faith in the Civil Defence Corps.
Ep 3 - Episode 3 Toggle seen
Valerie helps a mother of five come to terms with her latest child's birth defect. The Turners oversee a measles vaccination trial at the clinic, but are concerned by an overly anxious first-time mother. They soon discover she is concealing a devastating loss, which could have serious repercussions. Nurse Crane decides to bring a taste of the seaside to Poplar for the Whitsun bank holiday, and Violet's political career goes from strength to strength as she wins the seat on the council for Poplar North.
Ep 4 - Episode 4 Toggle seen
Sister Julienne is drawn into a conflict between an estranged mother and daughter, both of whom are pregnant. Nurse Crane visits a photographic gallery in Soho with Sgt Woolf, but the trip does not go to plan, and Sister Frances' shyness causes concern. Trixie's keep fit class is chosen to host a special event, but her star pupil is devastated to learn that she is pregnant.
Ep 5 - Episode 5 Toggle seen
Trixie cares for a young woman who is diagnosed with an intersex condition, whilst a husband suffers with inexplicable pains similar to his wife's pregnancy symptoms.
Ep 6 - Episode 6 Toggle seen
Mother Mildred returns to Nonnatus while Nurse Crane is in hospital receiving treatment for her back. With help from Trixie, she provides care for a retired dock worker whose former job has taken its toll on his health, only to discover his son may be suffering from a more severe condition. However, her insensitive manner angers the family and they refuse to let her help them.
Ep 7 - Episode 7 Toggle seen
Sister Frances panics when Mother Mildred insists that she attend her first solo birth before Nurse Crane returns, and Trixie treats a pregnant woman who discovers that she has gonorrhoea, a condition that could have serious implications for the health of her baby. The Turners try to persuade Violet to approve the formation of a Brook Advisory Centre, and Lucille looks forward to a second date with Cyril.
Ep 8 - Episode 8 Toggle seen
Shelagh organises a ballroom dance to raise money for the maternity home, in the hope of taking her mind off May's impending adoption. A terminally ill patient laments that she will not get the chance to dance one last time, but Sister Hilda is determined to make sure she does. Fred suffers an embarrassing condition, and cannot bring himself to see Dr Turner, while Nurse Crane is discharged from hospital and tries to play matchmaker between Sgt Woolf and Miss Higgins. Valerie and Trixie are called to testify in a court case. Last in the series.
Season 9
Ep 1 - Episode 1 Toggle seen
Dr Turner and Nurse Crane must deal with an alarming outbreak of diphtheria. Fred finds an abandoned baby in a dustbin, and the team must help locate its mother.
Ep 2 - Episode 2 Toggle seen
A woman is caught stealing milk from Nonnatus House, but she pleads for mercy from sisters Julienne and Monica Joan, explaining that she has been stealing milk as she is pregnant. As Sister Julienne learns more about her, she is convinced that this woman needs help becoming the mother she wants to be. Meanwhile, Dr Turner puzzles over a mysterious string of symptoms, and the blossoming romance between Miss Higgins and Sgt Woolf is thrown into jeopardy.
Ep 3 - Episode 3 Toggle seen
Lucille is seconded to St Cuthbert's when a ward sister is off sick, but a lift malfunction sees her spend the evening with mother-to- be Connie instead of her planned rendezvous with Cyril. Nurse Crane tries to help a woman who is newly arrived from East Pakistan, while Shelagh enlists Violet, Trixie, Sister Frances and Valerie to put on a charity fashion show to raise money for the incubator fund.
Ep 4 - Episode 4 Toggle seen
Sister Julienne volunteers to put up four trainee doctors at Nonnatus House while they undertake the practical aspect of their obstetrics diploma, hoping the exercise will remind the council how vital the home is to the community and help remove the threat of demolition. There is a lot of excitement about the new arrivals and the doctors don't disappoint. On his CDC rounds, Fred comes across a street marked for demolition, with one house clearly showing signs of life.
Ep 5 - Episode 5 Toggle seen
Sister Frances is at a loss when she cares for diabetic and recovering cancer patient Albert Calthorpe whose fiercely independent wife Grace refuses to accept further help, despite caring for her husband, her elderly mother and her pregnant daughter. Meanwhile, Violet is given two tickets to new hit film The Sound of Music and decides to raffle them off with all proceeds going to the incubator fund, while Timothy, Angela and May want to give their parents a night off, but they're not sure how.
Ep 6 - Episode 6 Toggle seen
At the Turners, Shelagh receives a phone call from the Hong Kong adoption agency, which has the alarming news that someone from May's past has arrived in the UK and wants to see the little girl. Meanwhile, Valerie's cousin Maureen is heavily pregnant and hoping her baby will be born on Thursday, the same date as her father and grandfather. However, her due date isn't so soon and keen to bring on the birth, Maureen takes a big risk by secretly taking castor oil - with potentially disastrous consequences.
Ep 7 - Episode 7 Toggle seen
Trixie helps a blind mother, Marion, care for her new baby, but trouble starts when Marion’s sister calls Social Services to intervene.
Ep 8 - Episode 8 Toggle seen
Sister Julienne decides it is time to take matters in hand when a letter arrives from the council saying that it will cut funding to Nonnatus House and no longer pay for the accommodation, and goes to see Violet at one of her open sessions as a local councillor. At clinic, Nurse Crane meets and cares for heavily pregnant Bonnie, who is not married but committed to the baby's father Eddie, while Kevin's dependency on pain relief is discovered by the team and Dr Turner and Miss Higgins must find a way to help him.
Season 10
Ep 1 - Episode 1 Toggle seen
Sister Julienne and Dr. Turner clash over whether to provide a private care service, and a distressing birth raises fears of another Thalidomide case.
Ep 2 - Episode 2 Toggle seen
Sister Frances finds herself in a tricky situation when a pregnant woman confides in her. Sister Julienne’s new venture hits a stumbling block.
Ep 3 - Episode 3 Toggle seen
Sister Hilda and Dr. Turner are involved with a young woman whose health presents a series of challenges. A complicated pregnancy leads the Nonnatus team on a path of discovery.
Ep 4 - Episode 4 Toggle seen
It’s July 1966, and Britain is in the grip of World Cup fever. New pupil midwife Nancy makes quite an impact.
Ep 5 - Episode 5 Toggle seen
Sister Julienne is concerned when a toddler displays troubling symptoms. Shelagh and Nancy handle a teenage pregnancy, while the Turners receive exciting news.
Ep 6 - Episode 6 Toggle seen
Sister Frances treats an expectant mother whose behaviour masks deep psychological trauma. Meanwhile, Trixie is compelled to publicly speak out on an important issue.
Ep 7 - Episode 7 Toggle seen
While Nonnatus House struggles to come to terms with Nancy’s revelation, the housing conditions in Poplar reach crisis point. A birth causes a rift in a close-knit family.
Season 11
Ep 1 - Episode 1 Toggle seen
Demolition work in Poplar uncovers a long-buried secret that leads to a testing and emotional case for the team. Sister Julienne takes on a sensitive delivery.
Ep 2 - Episode 2 Toggle seen
At the monthly cytology clinic, Sister Frances comforts a young woman who is struggling with a life-changing diagnosis. Lucille supports a difficult mother.
Ep 3 - Episode 3 Toggle seen
Nancy tackles the plight of meths drinkers living rough in Poplar. Nurse Crane’s patient is torn between two very different futures, and the Order celebrates a milestone birthday.
Ep 4 - Episode 4 Toggle seen
Sister Hilda and Dr Turner support a young father with a lung condition, Lucille comes to terms with unexpected news, and Trixie takes the lead with a struggling first-time mother.
Ep 5 - Episode 5 Toggle seen
Trixie is assigned to a complicated case involving a paraplegic husband. Lucille’s attendance at a straightforward delivery takes a distressing turn.
Ep 6 - Episode 6 Toggle seen
Sister Monica Joan seeks advice from a clairvoyant. Matthew is shocked to discover squatters in one of his warehouses, and Shelagh faces the most challenging delivery of her career.
Ep 7 - Episode 7 Toggle seen
Nonnatus House suffers its biggest threat yet, but this time it's not the bricks and mortar that are in danger, it's the people.
Ep 8 - Episode 8 Toggle seen
Nonnatus House faces its darkest day after a tragic incident in the heart of Poplar. As the community rally together, the team must overcome personal anguish to help the injured.
Season 12
Ep 1 - Episode 1 Toggle seen
April 1968. Racial tensions cast a shadow over Poplar, Nancy’s eyes are opened when she supports a dying woman, and Nonnatus House welcomes a new sister.
Ep 2 - Episode 2 Toggle seen
Sister Julienne helps care for a first-time mother who is going through a challenging diagnosis. Lucille struggles with her own health, and Poplar celebrates the Whitsun Maypole.
Ep 3 - Episode 3 Toggle seen
Sister Veronica is shaken when a mother reveals a terrible truth about her marriage, Shelagh cares for a baby with a life-threatening condition, and Nancy harbours a secret.
Ep 4 - Episode 4 Toggle seen
The maternity home is thrown into chaos by an outbreak of gastroenteritis, and Nurse Crane fights to save her career. Meanwhile, Cyril encourages Reggie to seek help.
Ep 5 - Episode 5 Toggle seen
A pregnant mother with a chronic heart condition falls unwell. Nancy grows suspicious of a young father's erratic behaviour, and Matthew prepares for a visit from his father.
Ep 6 - Episode 6 Toggle seen
Trixie supports an underage mother through a difficult time, Monica Joan welcomes an unusual guest to Nonnatus House, and Sister Veronica spearheads a new council initiative
Ep 7 - Episode 7 Toggle seen
Everyone is looking forward to Trixie and Matthew's wedding and a bonny baby competition brings the community together. It's not all good news, however, as the team learn about a pregnant woman and her family living in a cramped caravan, while a worrying disease outbreak directly impacts the residents of Nonnatus House.
Ep 8 - Episode 8 Toggle seen
Nonnatus House is abuzz with excitement as the countdown to Trixie and Matthew’s wedding begins. Whilst Sister Veronica has appointed herself in charge of organising the wedding gifts, Trixie’s brother, Geoffrey Franklin, arrives from Malta and immediately starts arranging the perfect hen do. However, the approaching nuptials cause stress levels to escalate as a catalogue of small and great disasters threaten to spoil the day. Dr Turner, Shelagh and Timothy are first on the scene of a fatal car crash. Dr Turner experiences the biggest test of his career as they race against time to save a precious life. Meanwhile, Nancy considers her future, and Sister Julienne hatches a plan to save Nonnatus House once and for all.
Season 13
Ep 1 - Episode 1 Toggle seen
Sister Julienne cares for an expectant mother who has cerebral palsy. Nonnatus House kicks off its new midwifery training scheme with the arrival of four new pupil midwives.
Ep 2 - Episode 2 Toggle seen
The team help a single mother whose flat is riddled with damp whilst Nancy and Dr Turner care for a Sylheti woman with an undiagnosed illness, and Matthew teaches Trixie how to drive.
Ep 3 - Episode 3 Toggle seen
Nurse Crane helps a struggling first-time mother accept her baby’s birth defect, and Violet’s bid to be mayor is thrown into turmoil by unforeseen circumstances.
Ep 4 - Episode 4 Toggle seen
Trixie makes a serious mistake at work, whilst the team work hard to help a Biafran family. Nancy delves into her family’s past as the world celebrates the moon landings.
Ep 5 - Episode 5 Toggle seen
A fun day at the seaside proves traumatic for the Turners and puts May’s future with them in jeopardy. Nurse Crane helps a young couple cope with a rare cancer diagnosis.
Ep 6 - Episode 6 Toggle seen
In his new role, Cyril faces his toughest challenge yet, whilst Matthew is summoned to a board meeting with his mother. Elsewhere, the pupil midwives prepare for their final exams.
Ep 7 - Episode 7 Toggle seen
Rosalind oversees the care of a teenage mum and uncovers a disturbing truth. Trixie and Matthew struggle with their change in fortune whilst Joyce receives an unexpected visitor.
Ep 8 - Episode 8 Toggle seen
Miss Higgins receives an unexpected visitor, and Sister Monica ruffles feathers. Poplar votes for its Mother of the Year.
Chronicles the lives of a group of midwives living in East London in the late-1950s to mid-1960s.
Next episode: 0x00 ()
Current episode: Episode 8 13x08 (2024-03-03)
Miss Higgins receives an unexpected visitor, and Sister Monica ruffles feathers. Poplar votes for its Mother of the Year.
59 minutes