Doctor Who (2005)
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Season 1
Ep 1 - Rose Toggle seen
When Rose Tyler meets a mysterious stranger called the Doctor, her life will never be the same again. Soon she realises that her mum, her boyfriend and the whole of Earth are in danger. The only hope for salvation lies inside a strange blue box.
Ep 2 - The End of the World Toggle seen
The Doctor takes Rose on her first voyage through time, to the year five billion and the end of planet Earth.
Ep 3 - The Unquiet Dead Toggle seen
Charles Dickens and the Doctor team up as corpses stalk the streets of Victorian Cardiff.
Ep 4 - Aliens of London (1) Toggle seen
The Doctor takes Rose home, but when a spaceship crash-lands in the Thames, London is closed off and the whole world goes on red alert. While the Doctor investigates the alien survivor, Rose discovers that her home is no longer a safe haven.
Ep 5 - World War Three (2) Toggle seen
Downing Street announces mankind's first Interplanetary War, but the real danger is much closer to home. The Doctor, Rose and Harriet Jones race against time to unmask the villainous Slitheen, but only Rose's mum and boyfriend hold the key to salvation.
Ep 6 - Dalek Toggle seen
Beneath the salt plains of Utah, the billionaire collector Henry Van Statten holds the last relic of an alien race. When the Doctor and Rose investigate, they discover that the Doctor's oldest and most deadly enemy is about to break free. It's a fight to the death, with Rose caught in the middle.
Ep 7 - The Long Game Toggle seen
Adam discovers the wonders of travelling in the Tardis. In the far future, Satellite 5 broadcasts to the entire Earth Empire, but anyone promoted to Floor 500 is never seen again, and the Doctor suspects mankind is being manipulated. Does Adam have what it takes to become the Time Lord's companion?
Ep 8 - Father's Day Toggle seen
Rose travels back to 1987 to witness the day her father died, but when she interferes in the course of events, the monstrous Reapers are unleashed upon the world, and a wedding day turns into a massacre. Even the Doctor is powerless, as the human race is devoured.
Ep 9 - The Empty Child (1) Toggle seen
London, 1941, at the height of the Blitz. A mysterious cylinder is guarded by the army, while homeless children, living on the bombsites, are terrorised by an unearthly child. When Rose meets the dashing Captain Jack Harkness, has she found a hero better than the Doctor himself?
Ep 10 - The Doctor Dances (2) Toggle seen
The Child's plague is spreading throughout wartime London, and its zombie army is on the march. The Doctor and Rose form an alliance with the intergalactic con man, Captain Jack, but find themselves trapped in the abandoned hospital. The answer lies at the bomb site, but time is running out.
Ep 11 - Boom Town Toggle seen
The Tardis crew take a holiday, but the Doctor encounters an enemy he thought long since dead. A plan to build a nuclear power station in Cardiff disguises an alien plot to rip the world apart, and when the Doctor dines with monsters, he discovers traps within traps.
Ep 12 - Bad Wolf (1) Toggle seen
The Doctor, Rose and Captain Jack fight for their lives on board the Game Station, but disaster strikes when the Daleks capture Rose!
Ep 13 - The Parting of the Ways (2) Toggle seen
Rose has seen danger and wonders alongside the Doctor, but now their friendship is put to the test as Earth plunges into an epic war. With the human race being slaughtered, the Doctor is forced into terrible action. Will the time-travellers ever be reunited?
Season 2
Ep 1 - New Earth Toggle seen
The Doctor and Rose Tyler board the Tardis for new adventures in time and space. When they visit mankind's new home, far in the future, they find gruesome secrets hidden inside a luxury hospital. An enemy thought long dead, the paper-thin Cassandra, is out for revenge.
Ep 2 - Tooth and Claw Toggle seen
The Doctor and Rose travel back to the year 1879. An encounter in the Scottish Highlands with Queen Victoria and a band of warrior monks reveals a deadly trap, dating back centuries. Can the local legends of a werewolf really be true?
Ep 3 - School Reunion Toggle seen
A London school is haunted by strange, bat-like creatures at night. When the Doctor investigates, he finds an old friend, Sarah Jane Smith, already working undercover. As they confront their past, Rose discovers the true legacy of being a Time Lord's companion.
Ep 4 - The Girl in the Fireplace Toggle seen
Madame de Pompadour finds the court at Versailles under attack from sinister clockwork killers. Her only hope of salvation lies with the man who has haunted her dreams since childhood - a mysterious stranger known only as the Doctor.
Ep 5 - Rise of the Cybermen (1) Toggle seen
The Tardis is trapped on a parallel Earth, where Rose discovers that her father is still alive. But sinister forces are at work and British society is being prepared for the Ultimate Upgrade. An old enemy of the Doctor's is about to be reborn in a new and terrible shape.
Ep 6 - The Age of Steel (2) Toggle seen
The Cybermen take control of London and start converting the populace. While Jackie falls under Lumic's control, the Doctor, Rose and Mickey are reduced to fugitives in a world of terror. A last, desperate attack on the Cyberfactory is their only chance.
Ep 7 - The Idiot's Lantern Toggle seen
The coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, 1953, and Great Britain huddles round its television sets to witness the great event. But behind the celebrations are rumours of monsters on the streets, and the tormented Mr Magpie is hiding a strange and alien secret.
Ep 8 - The Impossible Planet (1) Toggle seen
The Doctor and Rose find themselves on a desolate world, in the orbit of a black hole. Trapped with an Earth expedition and the mysterious Ood, the time-travellers face an even greater danger, as something ancient beneath the planet's surface begins to awake.
Ep 9 - The Satan Pit (2) Toggle seen
As Rose battles the murderous Ood, the Doctor finds his every belief being challenged to the core, as the Pit beckons. With the planet threatening to fall into the black hole, the Doctor must make the ultimate sacrifice.
Ep 10 - Love and Monsters Toggle seen
An ordinary man called Elton becomes obsessed with the Doctor and Rose and their mysterious blue box. But when his investigations lead him to the attentions of the enigmatic Victor Kennedy, this harmless hobby suddenly plunges Elton into a world of living nightmares.
Ep 11 - Fear Her Toggle seen
When the Tardis lands in 2012, the Doctor plans to show Rose the London Olympics. But on a nearby housing estate, a desperate mother is hiding her daughter's unearthly powers. Can the Doctor defeat the danger nestling at the heart of an ordinary British household?
Ep 12 - Army of Ghosts (1) Toggle seen
The human race rejoices as the ghosts of loved ones return home. But as the Doctor, Rose and Jackie investigate the Torchwood Tower, a trap is being sprung, and the whole of modern-day Earth threatens to fall before an almighty invasion force.
Ep 13 - Doomsday (2) Toggle seen
The end of an epic journey, as two mighty armies wage war across the Earth, with the human race caught in the middle. But as an unstoppable terror emerges from beneath Torchwood, the Doctor faces an even greater dilemma - does saving the world mean the death of Rose Tyler?
Season 3
Ep 1 - Smith and Jones Toggle seen
When Martha Jones finds herself on the moon, she meets a mysterious stranger called the Doctor, and her life will never be the same again.
Ep 2 - The Shakespeare Code Toggle seen
The Doctor takes Martha to Elizabethan England, where William Shakespeare is under the control of deadly witch-like creatures.
Ep 3 - Gridlock Toggle seen
The Doctor takes Martha to New Earth, in the far future, only to find that an entire city has become a deadly trap.
Ep 4 - Daleks in Manhattan (1) Toggle seen
The Doctor finds his oldest enemies at work on top of the Empire State Building when he and Martha travel to 1930s New York.
Ep 5 - Evolution of the Daleks (2) Toggle seen
As a new Dalek Empire rises in 1930s New York, the Doctor must enter an unholy alliance.
Ep 6 - The Lazarus Experiment Toggle seen
Martha returns home, but has to save her family from the schemes of the monstrous Professor Lazarus.
Ep 7 - 42 Toggle seen
As a spaceship hurtles towards the sun, the Doctor and Martha have just 42 minutes to save the day.
Ep 8 - Human Nature (1) Toggle seen
England, 1913, and a schoolteacher called John Smith dreams of adventures in time and space.
Ep 9 - The Family of Blood (2) Toggle seen
1913, and war comes to England a year in advance, as the terrifying Family hunt for the Doctor.
Ep 10 - Blink Toggle seen
In an old, abandoned house, the Weeping Angels wait. Only the Doctor can stop them, but he's lost in time.
Ep 11 - Utopia (1) Toggle seen
Captain Jack Harkness storms back into the Doctor's life, and the Tardis is thrown to the end of the universe itself.
Ep 12 - The Sound of Drums (2) Toggle seen
Harry Saxon becomes Prime Minister, but his dark ambitions reach beyond the stars.
Ep 13 - Last of the Time Lords (3) Toggle seen
Earth has been conquered and the Master rules supreme, with the Doctor his prisoner. Can Martha Jones save the world?
Season 4
Ep 1 - Partners in Crime Toggle seen
Donna and the Doctor reunite and must save the lives of millions threatened by a sinister alien... Allons-y!
Ep 2 - The Fires of Pompeii Toggle seen
It's Volcano Day in Pompeii... Can Donna dare the Doctor to change history?
Ep 3 - Planet of the Ood Toggle seen
The Doctor takes Donna to her first alien world, where she finds the human race has developed dark secrets...
Ep 4 - The Sontaran Stratagem (1) Toggle seen
Martha Jones summons the Doctor back to UNIT and modern-day Earth, but an old enemy lies in wait.
Ep 5 - The Poison Sky (2) Toggle seen
As the Sontarans choke the Earth, the Doctor and UNIT battle to keep both Martha and Donna alive.
Ep 6 - The Doctor's Daughter Toggle seen
As the shadows of war loom on the planet Messaline, the Doctor meets the most important woman of his life...
Ep 7 - The Unicorn and the Wasp Toggle seen
In 1926, Agatha Christie disappeared for ten days. Was a giant alien wasp to blame?
Ep 8 - Silence in the Library (1) Toggle seen
The Doctor meets River Song for the first time as he and Donna face the Vashta Nerada!
Ep 9 - Forest of the Dead (2) Toggle seen
As the shadows rise, the Doctor forges an alliance with the mysterious River Song. But can they halt the advance of the Vashta Nerada?
Ep 10 - Midnight Toggle seen
The Doctor is trapped on the planet Midnight, and the knocking on the wall begins...
Ep 11 - Turn Left Toggle seen
What would have happened if the Doctor had died facing the Racnoss? We find a nightmare world as Donna and Rose attempt to stop the approaching Darkness.
Ep 12 - The Stolen Earth (1) Toggle seen
Rose Tyler, Torchwood, Martha and more... Earth's greatest heroes assemble to fight the New Dalek Empire.
Ep 13 - Journey's End (2) Toggle seen
As Davros and the Daleks threaten the universe, the Doctor's companions join forces. But tragedy is waiting for the Time Lord...
Ep 14 - The aters of Mars Toggle seen
Ep 15 - The aters of Mars Toggle seen
Season 5
Ep 1 - The Eleventh Hour Toggle seen
The new Doctor has 20 minutes to save the world, and only Amy Pond - the girl who waited - can help him.
Ep 2 - The Beast Below Toggle seen
The Doctor takes Amy to the distant future, where she finds the mysterious Liz Ten, a Star Whale and all of Britain in a spaceship!
Ep 3 - Victory of the Daleks Toggle seen
Winston Churchill summons the Doctor to Blitz-torn London, but the Daleks are waiting.
Ep 4 - The Time of Angels (1) Toggle seen
The Doctor, River Song and Amy hunt the last of the Weeping Angels through the terrifying Maze of the Dead.
Ep 5 - Flesh and Stone (2) Toggle seen
Surrounded by an army of Weeping Angels, the Doctor must escape through the forest vault before facing a final, petrifying challenge...
Ep 6 - The Vampires of Venice Toggle seen
Corpses and terror fill the canals as the Doctor, Amy and Rory visit 16th century Venice.
Ep 7 - Amy's Choice Toggle seen
A pregnant Amy Pond faces a terrible choice. Or does she? All is not as it seems in this chilling adventure...
Ep 8 - The Hungry Earth (1) Toggle seen
The reptilian Silurians are the former rulers of Earth. A drilling project awakens them - and now they want their planet back!
Ep 9 - Cold Blood (2) Toggle seen
Mankind and the Silurians teeter on the brink of all-out war. Can the Doctor ensure the two species' survival?
Ep 10 - Vincent and the Doctor Toggle seen
The Doctor and Amy Pond meet Vincent van Gogh... And an ancient, terrifying monster.
Ep 11 - The Lodger Toggle seen
Introducing Craig Owens! The Doctor must solve the mystery of a staircase that people go up but never go down...
Ep 12 - The Pandorica Opens (1) Toggle seen
The Doctor confronts an army of old enemies, and Amy battles a Cyberman. And then the Pandorica opens...
Ep 13 - The Big Bang (2) Toggle seen
The Stone Dalek closes in on the Doctor, and reality's last hope is a little girl who still believes in stars.
Season 6
Ep 1 - The Impossible Astronaut (1) Toggle seen
Amy, Rory and River mourn the Doctor, but are soon plunged into an adventure with President Nixon and the Silence!
Ep 2 - Day of the Moon (2) Toggle seen
In 1960s America, the Doctor fights an alien force dating back to the beginnings of human civilisation: the Silence!
Ep 3 - The Curse of the Black Spot Toggle seen
There's terror on the high seas, as the Doctor is stranded on a pirate ship where he must face an apparently deadly Siren...
Ep 4 - The Doctor's Wife Toggle seen
By following a Time Lord distress signal, the Doctor puts Amy, Rory and his beloved TARDIS in grave danger.
Ep 5 - The Rebel Flesh (1) Toggle seen
A solar tsunami liberates doppelgangers from their human 'originals'. And when the Doctor arrives, the deaths begin...
Ep 6 - The Almost People (2) Toggle seen
The Doctor must convince terrified factory workers to trust their doppelgangers. But there's a killer on the loose...
Ep 7 - A Good Man Goes to War Toggle seen
The Doctor assembles an alien army to fight the Battle of Demons Run, and we finally discover who River Song really is...
Ep 8 - Let's Kill Hitler Toggle seen
Nazis! River on the rampage! Regeneration! It's all happening after the TARDIS crash-lands in 1930s Berlin.
Ep 9 - Night Terrors Toggle seen
The Doctor must deal with sinister dolls coming to life as he fights to help a terrified child and his father.
Ep 10 - The Girl Who Waited Toggle seen
Amy is trapped in a quarantine facility for victims of an alien plague. Can Rory save her before she is killed by kindness?
Ep 11 - The God Complex Toggle seen
The TARDIS lands in a hotel where every visitor's room contains their deepest, darkest fears. What lies in wait in the Doctor's room?
Ep 12 - Closing Time Toggle seen
The Doctor's final days are upon him - but when he drops in on an old friend, the Cybermen are waiting.
Ep 13 - The Wedding of River Song Toggle seen
All of time and space hangs in the balance, for this is the day the Doctor dies.
Season 7
Ep 1 - Asylum of the Daleks Toggle seen
Kidnapped by his oldest foe, the Doctor is forced on an impossible mission - to a place even the Daleks are too terrified to enter...
Ep 2 - Dinosaurs on a Spaceship Toggle seen
An unmanned spaceship hurtles towards certain destruction. Only the Doctor can save it, along with its impossible cargo... of dinosaurs!
Ep 3 - A Town Called Mercy Toggle seen
The Doctor gets a stetson (and a gun!) and finds himself the reluctant marshal of a Western town under siege by a relentless cyborg.
Ep 4 - The Power of Three Toggle seen
The Doctor and the Ponds puzzle over an unlikely invasion of Earth, as millions of sinister black cubes arrive overnight...
Ep 5 - The Angels Take Manhattan Toggle seen
The Doctor's heart-breaking farewell to Amy and Rory - a race against time through the streets of Manhattan, as New York's statues come to life around them...
Ep 6 - The Bells of Saint John Toggle seen
The search for Clara brings the Doctor to London, 2013, where something deadly is waiting in the Wi-Fi.
Ep 7 - The Rings Of Akhaten Toggle seen
The Doctor takes Clara to the Festival of Offerings, but the Old God is waking and demands sacrifice!
Ep 8 - Cold War Toggle seen
On a Russian submarine in 1983, a frozen alien warrior is waking up, just as the TARDIS materialises.
Ep 9 - Hide Toggle seen
Something terrifying is hiding in Caliburn House, and the Doctor finds himself part of the ghost hunt.
Ep 10 - Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS Toggle seen
The TARDIS has crashed, Clara is lost inside, and the Doctor has 30 minutes before his ship explodes!
Ep 11 - The Crimson Horror Toggle seen
Something ghastly is afoot in Victorian Yorkshire, as bodies are found with their skin a waxy, glowing red.
Ep 12 - Nightmare in Silver Toggle seen
Hedgewick's World of Wonders: the perfect theme park day out. And ground zero for a deadly silver resurrection.
Ep 13 - The Name of the Doctor Toggle seen
The Doctor has a secret he will take to his grave. And it is discovered...
Season 8
Ep 1 - Deep Breath Toggle seen
When the Doctor arrives in Victorian London he finds a dinosaur rampant in the Thames and a spate of deadly spontaneous combustions.
Ep 2 - Into the Dalek Toggle seen
A Dalek fleet surrounds a lone rebel ship, and only the Doctor can help them. As he faces his greatest enemy, he needs Clara by his side.
Ep 3 - Robot of Sherwood Toggle seen
In a sun-dappled Sherwood Forest, the Doctor discovers an evil plan from beyond the stars and strikes up an unlikely alliance with Robin Hood. With all of Nottingham at stake, the Doctor must decide who is real and who is fake. Can impossible heroes actually exist?
Ep 4 - Listen Toggle seen
What will the Doctor find at the end of the universe? What scares the Doctor? Ghosts of the past and future - a little boy who doesn't want to join the army.
Ep 5 - Time Heist Toggle seen
The Doctor turns bank robber when he is given a task he cannot refuse - steal from the most dangerous bank in the cosmos.
Ep 6 - The Caretaker Toggle seen
When terrifying events threaten Coal Hill School, the Doctor decides to go undercover. The Skovox Blitzer is ready to destroy all humanity - and worse, any second now, Danny Pink and the Doctor are going to meet.
Ep 7 - Kill the Moon Toggle seen
The Doctor and Clara crash-land on the moon to find a base full of corpses, vicious spider-like creatures poised to attack, and a terrible dilemma.
Ep 8 - Mummy on the Orient Express Toggle seen
On the most beautiful train in history, speeding among the stars of the future, a deadly creature is stalking the passengers.
Ep 9 - Flatline Toggle seen
Separated from the Doctor, Clara discovers a new menace from another dimension. But how do you hide when even the walls are no protection? With people to save and the Doctor trapped, Clara goes against an enemy that exists beyond human perception.
Ep 10 - In the Forest of the Night Toggle seen
One morning in every city and town in the world, the human race wakes up to face the most surprising invasion yet. Everywhere, in every land, a forest has grown overnight and taken back the Earth. It doesn't take the Doctor long to discover that the final days of humanity have arrived.
Ep 11 - Dark Water (1) Toggle seen
In the mysterious world of the Nethersphere, plans have been drawn. Missy is about to come face to face with the Doctor, and an impossible choice is looming... 'Death is not an end', promises the sinister organisation known only as 3W - but, as the Doctor and Clara discover, they might wish it was.
Ep 12 - Death in Heaven (2) Toggle seen
With Cybermen on the streets of London, old friends unite against old enemies and the Doctor takes to the air in a startling new role. Can the mighty UNIT contain Missy? As the Doctor faces his greatest challenge, sacrifices must be made before the day is won.
Season 9
Ep 1 - The Magician's Apprentice (1) Toggle seen
'Where is the Doctor?' When the skies of Earth are frozen by a mysterious alien force, Clara needs her friend. But where is the Doctor, and what is he hiding from? As past deeds come back to haunt him, old enemies will come face to face, and for the Doctor and Clara, survival seems impossible.
Ep 2 - The Witch's Familiar (2) Toggle seen
Trapped and alone on the terrifying planet Skaro, the Doctor is at the heart of the evil Dalek Empire - no sonic, no TARDIS, nobody to help. With his greatest temptation before him, can the Doctor resist? And will there be mercy?
Ep 3 - Under the Lake (1) Toggle seen
When an underwater base comes under attack, the Doctor and Clara must save the frightened crew and defeat an impossible threat. But what is behind these terrifying events? And can they really be haunted by ghosts?
Ep 4 - Before the Flood (2) Toggle seen
On a remote army outpost, a fearsome alien warlord called the Fisher King sets in motion a twisted plan to ensure his own survival. The ripples will be felt around the universe. Is this chain of events inevitable? And can the Doctor do the unthinkable?
Ep 5 - The Girl Who Died Toggle seen
Captured by Vikings, the Doctor and Clara must help protect their village from space warriors from the future, the Mire. Outnumbered and outgunned, their fate seems inevitable. So why is the Doctor preoccupied with a single Viking girl?
Ep 6 - The Woman Who Lived Toggle seen
In England, 1651, deadly highwayman 'the Knightmare' and his sidekick come face to face with the Doctor on the dark streets of London.
Ep 7 - The Zygon Invasion (1) Toggle seen
When Osgood is kidnapped by a rogue gang of Zygons, the Doctor, Clara and Unit must scatter across the world in a bid to set her free.
Ep 8 - The Zygon Inversion (2) Toggle seen
Shapeshifting Zygons are everywhere in the UK, and there is no way of knowing who to trust. With UNIT neutralised, only the Doctor stands in their way. But how do you stop a war? And what can the Doctor do to save his friends?
Ep 9 - Sleep No More Toggle seen
This terrifying story is assembled from footage discovered in the wreckage of Le Verrier Space Station.
Ep 10 - Face the Raven Toggle seen
The Doctor and Clara, with their old friend Rigsy, find themselves in a magical alien world, hidden on a street in the heart of London.
Ep 11 - Heaven Sent Toggle seen
Trapped in a world unlike any other he has seen, the Doctor faces the greatest challenge of his many lives. One final test. And he must face it alone. Pursued by the fearsome creature known only as the Veil, he must attempt the impossible. If he makes it through, Gallifrey is waiting...
Ep 12 - Hell Bent Toggle seen
If you took everything from him, betrayed him, trapped him, and broke both his hearts... how far might the Doctor go? Returning to Gallifrey, the Doctor faces the Time Lords in a struggle that will take him to the end of time itself. Who is the Hybrid? And what is the Doctor's confession?
Season 10
Ep 1 - The Pilot Toggle seen
Two worlds collide when the Doctor meets Bill, and a chance encounter with a girl with a star in her eye leads to a terrifying chase across time and space.
Ep 2 - Smile Toggle seen
The language of the future is emoji! The Doctor takes Bill to a spectacular city on a distant planet - but where are the colonists? A band of 'cute' droids hold the deadly answer.
Ep 3 - Thin Ice Toggle seen
London, 1814. The entire city has turned out for the biggest Frost Fair in decades. But beneath the frozen Thames, revellers are disappearing.
Ep 4 - Knock Knock Toggle seen
Why do floorboards creak? When a sinister landlord shows Bill and her friends the perfect houseshare, they have no idea what lies ahead... knock knock, who's there?
Ep 5 - Oxygen Toggle seen
'Space - the final frontier. Final because it wants to kill us.' Trapped on a space station with no oxygen, the Doctor, Bill and Nardole are horrified to discover the automated spacesuits keeping them alive are also trying to kill them!
Ep 6 - Extremis Toggle seen
Everyone who has ever read the Veritas has been found dead. In a library at the heart of the Vatican, the pope urges the Doctor to read the ancient text.
Ep 7 - The Pyramid at the End of the World Toggle seen
When the Earth is set on a countdown to destruction, an alien race offers a deal to save humanity. Will the Doctor accept their help?
Ep 8 - The Lie of the Land Toggle seen
With the Doctor imprisoned, Bill and Nardole must embark on a deadly mission to rescue him and lead the resistance against the new regime.
Ep 9 - Empress of Mars Toggle seen
'God save the Queen' has been scrawled on the surface of Mars. What are Victorians doing on the home of the Ice Warriors? And what will they find beneath the Martian soil?
Ep 10 - The Eaters of Light Toggle seen
A hunt for the lost Ninth Roman Legion leads the Doctor, Bill and Nardole into the middle of an ancient battle that could cast humanity into the dark forever. What is inside the cairn? And how far will they have to go defeat the terrifying alien Eaters of Light?
Ep 11 - World Enough and Time (1) Toggle seen
A huge spaceship trapped in the gravity well of a black hole, teeming with impossible lifeforms, harbours one of the Doctor's most feared enemies... Mondasian Cybermen.
Ep 12 - The Doctor Falls (2) Toggle seen
The Doctor makes a final stand against an army of Cybermen to protect a tiny band of humans from destruction.
Season 11
Ep 1 - The Woman Who Fell to Earth Toggle seen
On one night in Sheffield, lives are changed for ever as a mysterious woman, unable to remember her own name, falls from the night sky.
Ep 2 - The Ghost Monument Toggle seen
Still reeling from their first encounter, can the Doctor and her new friends stay alive long enough in a hostile alien environment to solve the mystery of Desolation? And just who are Angstrom and Epzo?
Ep 3 - Rosa Toggle seen
Montgomery, Alabama. 1955. The Doctor and her friends find themselves in the Deep South of America. As they encounter a seamstress by the name of Rosa Parks, they begin to wonder whether someone is attempting to change history.
Ep 4 - Arachnids in the UK Toggle seen
'Something's happening with the spiders in this city.' The Doctor, Yaz, Graham and Ryan find their way back to Yorkshire - and Yaz's family - only to find something is stirring amidst the eight-legged arachnid population of Sheffield.
Ep 5 - The Tsuranga Conundrum Toggle seen
Injured and stranded in the wilds of a far-flung galaxy, the Doctor, Yaz, Graham and Ryan must band together with a group of strangers to survive against one of the universe's most deadly - and unusual - creatures.
Ep 6 - Demons of the Punjab Toggle seen
India, 1947. The Doctor and her friends arrive in the Punjab, as India is being torn apart. While Yaz attempts to discover her grandmother's hidden history, the Doctor discovers demons haunting the land. Who are they, and what do they want?
Ep 7 - Kerblam! Toggle seen
A mysterious message arrives in a package addressed to the Doctor, leading her, Graham, Yaz and Ryan to investigate the warehouse moon orbiting Kandoka, and the home of the galaxy's largest retailer, Kerblam.
Ep 8 - The Witchfinders Toggle seen
In 17th-century Lancashire, the Doctor, Yaz, Ryan and Graham become embroiled in a witch trial and the arrival of King James I.
Ep 9 - It Takes You Away Toggle seen
On the edge of a Norwegian fjord in the present day, the Doctor, Ryan, Graham and Yaz discover a boarded-up cottage and a girl named Hanne in need of their help. What has happened here? What monster lurks in the woods around the cottage - and beyond?
Ep 10 - The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos Toggle seen
On the planet of Ranskoor Av Kolos, a battlefield, a conflict-scarred survivor, and a deadly reckoning await the Doctor, Ryan, Yaz and Graham.
Season 12
Ep 1 - Spyfall (1) Toggle seen
Intelligence agents around the world are under attack from alien forces, so MI6 turn to the only one who can help: the Doctor.
Ep 2 - Spyfall (2) Toggle seen
A terrifying plan to destroy humanity is about to reach fruition. Can the Doctor and her friends escape multiple traps and defeat a deadly alliance?
Ep 3 - Orphan 55 Toggle seen
The Doctor and her friends discover that the luxury resort where they are holidaying is hiding a number of deadly secrets. What are the ferocious monsters attacking Tranquillity Spa?
Ep 4 - Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror Toggle seen
1903. Who or what is sabotaging Nikola Tesla's generator plant at Niagara Falls? And has this maverick inventor really received a message from Mars?
Ep 5 - Fugitive of the Judoon Toggle seen
Ko Sho Blo! Trigger-happy space police the Judoon are targeting 21st-century Gloucester. The Doctor, Yaz, Ryan and Graham race back to Earth in order to prevent them doing too much damage to the cathedral city. But who are they looking for, and what did they do to incur the wrath of the Judoon?
Ep 6 - Praxeus Toggle seen
What connects a missing astronaut in the Indian Ocean, birds behaving strangely in Peru and a US naval officer who washes up on a Madagascan beach? Team Tardis investigate.
Ep 7 - Can You Hear Me? Toggle seen
From ancient Syria to present day Sheffield, and out into the wilds of space, something is stalking the Doctor and infecting people’s nightmares.
Ep 8 - The Haunting of Villa Diodati Toggle seen
Lake Geneva, 1816. Lord Byron and the Shelleys prepare for a night telling ghost stories, but their villa proves to have ghostly presences all of its own.
Ep 9 - Ascension of the Cybermen (1) Toggle seen
In the far future, the Doctor and her friends face a brutal battle across the farthest reaches of space to protect the last of the human race against the deadly Cybermen.
Ep 10 - The Timeless Children (2) Toggle seen
The Cybermen are on the march. The last remaining humans are hunted down. Lies are exposed, truths are revealed, and for the Doctor nothing will ever be the same.
Season 13
Ep 1 - The Halloween Apocalypse (1) Toggle seen
On Halloween, all across the universe, terrifying forces are stirring. The life of Dan Lewis is about to change forever. Why is the Doctor chasing Karvanista? What is the Flux?
Ep 2 - War of the Sontarans (2) Toggle seen
During the Crimean War, the Doctor discovers the British army fighting a brutal alien army of Sontarans, as Yaz and Dan are thrown deeper into a battle for survival. What is the Temple of Atropos? Who are the Mouri?
Ep 3 - Once, Upon Time (3) Toggle seen
'Time is beginning to run wild.' On a planet that shouldn’t exist, in the aftermath of apocalypse, the Doctor, Dan, Yaz and Vinder face a battle to survive.
Ep 4 - Village of the Angels (4) Toggle seen
Devon, November 1967. A little girl has gone missing, Professor Eustacius Jericho is conducting psychic experiments, and in the village graveyard, there is one gravestone too many. Why is Medderton known as the Cursed Village, and what do the Weeping Angels want?
Ep 5 - Survivors of the Flux (5) Toggle seen
As the forces of evil mass, the Doctor, Yaz and Dan face perilous journeys and seemingly insurmountable obstacles in their quest for survival.
Ep 6 - The Vanquishers (6) Toggle seen
In the final epic chapter in the story of the Flux, all hope is lost. The forces of darkness are in control. But when the monsters have won, who can you count upon to save the universe?
The Doctor is an alien Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey who travels through all of time and space in the TARDIS. The Doctor has a long list of friends and companions who have shared journeys along the way. Instead of dying, the Doctor is able to “regenerate” into a new body, taking on a new personality with each regeneration.
Next episode: 0x00 ()
Current episode: The Giggle 0x164 (2023-12-09)
The giggle of a mysterious puppet is driving the human race insane. When the Doctor discovers the return of the terrifying Toymaker, he faces a fight he can never win.
45 minutes